We reported on March 26th about how Democrat Presidential now presumed nominee Joe Biden was ignoring a claim of sexual assault by Tara Reade from when she worked for him in the early 1990s. He has continued to ignore the allegations and most mainstream media outlets have done the same.
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted out earlier about the number of times 4 different outlets presumably mentioned Christine Blasey Ford, Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault accuser and then how many times they’ve mentioned Reade. 3 out of the 4 were 100+ for Ford with the other being 90+ and all 4 were 0 for Reade.
The Washington Post:
Christine Blasey Ford: 100+
Tara Reade: 0
The New York Times:
Christine Blasey Ford: 90+
Tara Reade: 0
Christine Blasey Ford: 100+
Tara Reade: 0
Christine Blasey Ford: 100+
Tara Reade: 0
The Washington Post:
— Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@parscale) April 11, 2020
Christine Blasey Ford: 100+
Tara Reade: 0
The New York Times:
Christine Blasey Ford: 90+
Tara Reade: 0
Christine Blasey Ford: 100+
Tara Reade: 0
Christine Blasey Ford: 100+
Tara Reade: 0
Newsweek is one outlet that hasn’t ignored the allegations and today they reported along with at least a couple others, including The Daily Wire and reporter Ryan Saavedra, who Parscale retweeted that Reade filed a criminal complaint with the Washington Metropolitan Police Department.
The complaint accused Biden of pushing her against the wall in a Senate corridor and penetrating her with his fingers, according to Business Insider.
BREAKING: Woman Who Accused Biden Of Sexual Assault Files Criminal Complaint With Police
BREAKING: Woman Who Accused Biden Of Sexual Assault Files Criminal Complaint With Police https://t.co/YgzpwhDk8f
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 11, 2020
Reade thanked those who helped her come forward with the allegations, as well as “luminaries” who have supported her such as Susan Sarandon, John Cusack, and Rose McGowan.
Reade also confirmed that the statute of limitations around the claims against Biden have passed. “I filed a police report for safety reasons only. All crim(inal) stat(ute)s beyond limitations. Gratitude for all who have stood by me,” Reade tweeted.
Thank you to the brave journalists @ryangrim @kthalps @RichMcHugh and
— taratweets ( Alexandra Tara Reade) (@ReadeAlexandra) April 11, 2020
And luminaries that have stood by me @SusanSarandon @johncusack @rosemcgowan I filed a police report for safety reasons only. All crim stats beyond limitations. Gratitude for all who have stood by me. https://t.co/VpdUF8jez1
“I have been smeared and called vile names by Biden supporters. I was also accused of being called a Russian agent. I am not,” Reade tweeted. “I will continue to speak out.”
A special thanks to @democracynow and Amy Goodman
— taratweets ( Alexandra Tara Reade) (@ReadeAlexandra) April 11, 2020
The major outlet that allowed me to relay my history with Biden.
I have been smeared and called vile names by Biden supporters
I was also accused of being called a Russian agent. I am not.
I will continue to speak out.
Indeed, a response to her first tweet by a “wife of a Krassenstein brother” accused Reade of previously praising Biden in 2017 and links to a Medium article written by the brothers, who were banned for life by Twitter.
Tara Reade literally praised Joe Biden on Twitter in 2017 for helping end sexual assault. She also told her Twitter followers that Joe “speaks truth.” That’s just one of the inconsistencies in her story. https://medium.com/@eddiekrassenstein/evidence-casts-doubt-on-tara-reades-sexual-assault-allegations-of-joe-biden-e4cb3ee38460 …
Tara Reade literally praised Joe Biden on Twitter in 2017 for helping end sexual assault. She also told her Twitter followers that Joe “speaks truth.” That’s just one of the inconsistencies in her story. https://t.co/cdCwd4i5eJ
— Ms. Krassenstein (@HKrassenstein) April 11, 2020
Reade recently retweeted Donald Trump Jr., who tried to bring attention to the situation, and said “Please Republicans do not use my assault for political gain.” She asked to pressure the media outlets to “question Joe Biden.”
Please Republicans do not use my assault for political gain. Help me pressure @cnn @nbc @wapo @newyorker to question Joe Biden. Thank you https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1248944828341198848 …
Please Republicans do not use my assault for political gain. Help me pressure @cnn @nbc @wapo @newyorker to question Joe Biden. Thank you https://t.co/OkcYOqRgMD
— taratweets ( Alexandra Tara Reade) (@ReadeAlexandra) April 11, 2020
Biden hasn’t been on camera since Wednesday, which was pointed out by the Trump War Room Twitter account. They wondered “did someone leave the basement door unlocked???”
UH OH: Joe Biden has not been seen on camera since Wednesday. Did someone leave the basement door unlocked??? #WhereIsJoeBiden#WhereIsJoe#WhereIsBiden
UH OH: Joe Biden has not been seen on camera since Wednesday.
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) April 11, 2020
Did someone leave the basement door unlocked??? #WhereIsJoeBiden #WhereIsJoe #WhereIsBiden https://t.co/1uRiC93ZVQ
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