CNN Contributor Gushes Over Fetterman, Compares His Rallies to Trump’s and Claims He ‘Looks and Sounds and Acts Like the State of Pennsylvania’

In a segment today that raised some eyebrows, CNN Contributor Michael LaRosa gushed over PA Dem Sen Candidate John Fetterman.

LaRosa compared Fetterman’s rallies to former President Donald Trump’s and claimed that he “looks and sounds and acts like the state of Pennsylvania.”

It was reported earlier today that Fetterman has released an updated medical report from his doctor which essentially cleared him, although the doctor noted that he is still exhibiting symptoms of an auditory processing disorder that can come across as hearing difficulty.

Newsweek reported in September that a Fetterman rally in Philadelphia “gathered some 600 people, evenly split between white and black voters.”

LaRosa was asked if the release of the medical report was “enough to assuage critics.”

“I think it is, I don’t even think he needed the note to be honest with you. Have you seen the guy? The guy is a political athlete, one of the best ones I’ve ever seen,” LaRosa responded.

LaRosa continued, “He’s pure talent. He looks and sounds and acts like the state of Pennsylvania, sort of like Tim Ryan, right?”

“He is traveling all over the state of Pennsylvania, and having… if rallies are a measurement of enthusiasm like the former president used to measure, this guy is holding rallies all over the state with huge numbers,” LaRosa gushed.

LaRosa concluded by suggesting that Fetterman clearly is okay because gave NBC’s “The Today Show” 45 minutes versus 15 minutes for Oz. Of course, a show like that would be more favorable to the Democratic candidate.

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