Appeals Court Kicks Dems While They’re Down, Temporarily Blocks Biden Student Loan Bailout

The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals just dealt the radical left wing Democrat party a major blow.

In what many see as a free handout in possible hopes for more Democrat votes, Joe Biden tried to forgive some of many student loan holder’s debt.

Students who poorly managed their money or who don’t manage their finances well rejoiced, from both parties.

Responsible Americans and taxpayers alike were unhappy though. Many who either already paid their debt or didn’t go to college feel it is not a fair shake to them.

Although the Supreme Court did recently decline an attempt to block the Biden bailout cash grab, the 8th just did block it.

The temporary halt went in favor of 6 GOP states who requested the injunction. Time will tell what comes next with this breaking development.

It’s not looking good for Dems in November and this could exacerbate things even worse for them.

Occupy Democrats was singing a different tune from yesterday following the news.

In a tweet, the left-wingers urged, ”RT TO DEMAND THAT BIDEN’S PROGRAM BE PERMITTED TO PROCEED!”

More details from Fox Business.

Stay tuned for possible updates.

1 Comment

  1. *They’re (seriously, who spell checks these things?)

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