BET Founder Demands 14 Trillion Dollar Government Reparation Package for Slave Descendants Amid Riots

Despite his previous support for President Trump’s job of lowering African American unemployment rates by lowering the overall unemployment rates before COVID-19 struck, BET founder Robert Johnson is taking the opportunity to call for something previously unheard of.

In the face of a tragic police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota which has caused multiple major U.S. metropolitan areas to go up in flames from riots and protests, Johnson is claiming that now would be a great time for a transfer of wealth.

A transfer of wealth in the amount of 14 Trillion dollars from the debt-saddled U.S. Government to the African American descendants of slaves. “Now is the time to go big,” he said on CNBC recently, which also reported:

Johnson said reparations would send the signal that white Americans acknowledge “damages that are owed” for the unequal playing field created by slavery and the decades since.

The wealth divide and police brutality against blacks are at the heart of protests that have erupted across the nation following last week’s killing of George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis.

Johnson also said that reparations would be the “affirmative action program of all time,”. Slavery was indeed a dark period in our nation’s history. Police brutality, which happens to all races, is also a tragic thing that must stop. 14 trillion dollars though, is something that wont change the past, and it’s money that quite simply doesn’t exist.

We need leaders from all different communities to try to come up with practical solutions for today’s problems is what I think most rational taxpayers would think. For starters, riots and looting must end and the President needs to take complete charge. Only then can we have a serious discussion without the threat of a nation being destroyed at the precipice.

Ian MacDonald

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