This morning, Dan Bongino tweeted out about the recent migration patterns that have occurring in the country. A Fox Business article released yesterday outlined how Democrats have been moving from their high tax cities and states to Republican ones.
“I’m puzzled about the workings of the liberal mind,” Bongino began.
“They evacuate liberal states in droves, because those states are collapsing due to liberal policies,” he continued.
“And then they relocate to successful conservative states & promptly destroy them by voting for the same policies they fled,” he concluded.
I’m puzzled about the workings of the liberal mind. They evacuate liberal states in droves, because those states are collapsing due to liberal policies. And then they relocate to successful conservative states & promptly destroy them by voting for the same policies they fled.
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) October 10, 2020
A key battleground state in the 2020 election and four of five states from which residents were searching most heavily for properties in Pennsylvania throughout the past three years were Democratic-leaning, including New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia.
Jonathan Bydlak, interim director of the governance program at think tank the R Street Institution, told researchers, “There’s no doubt people are moving out of some of these higher-tax states, like California and New York, [and into states] where homes are more affordable, taxes are lower, and jobs more plentiful.”
ABC released an article this morning, showing how Texas has changed. It’s become a melting pot of racial diversity — no longer just defined by its whiteness, ruralness and conservatism, they wrote.
They profiled a 43-year-old Black woman, who is a lifelong Democrat and they say is part of a blue wave sweeping the state that left her New York life to enter the white man’s world of ranching 12 years ago.
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