Democrat Congressman Al Green Praises Neil Cavuto’s Trump Criticism Rant

Recently President Trump has expressed disappointment in what appears to be Fox News taking a political left turn so to speak. Of course, President Trump probably doesn’t think it’s Fox News’ job to paint him in a positive light, but they have been a lot less negative than what many feel is a predictable anti-Trump bias with most news networks. He seems to be noticing that changing course.

Neil Cavuto of Fox News took to the airwaves to make sort of a ‘captain obvious’ statement that appears very critical of President Trump. “We don’t work for you,” he says. He goes on to say his job is to cover President Trump, not fawn over him OR rip him. But later on in the speech, he appears to rip him anyway. “I’m the not one who said tariffs are a wonderful thing, you are. Just like I’m the not one who said Mexico would pay for the wall, you did. Just like I’m not the one who claimed Russia didn’t meddle in the 2016 election, you did.” For many in the media, it’s not about whether what you say is true, but how it’s presented, and Cavuto’s presentation comes off as negative to anyone with any kind of common sense.


For as fair and balanced as Cavuto claims to be though, it’s funny that he drew praise from the man who has tried nonstop to impeach President Trump, Congressman Al Green. Green tweeted:

“Mr. Neil Cavuto, thank you for standing up to the bully behind the bully pulpit. We must protect the free press from an unrestrained and out of control President.”


The statement Cavuto most likely was responding to was President Trump’s tweet from the 28th of this month accusing Fox News of promoting Democrats.


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Ian MacDonald

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