Donald Trump Shares Screenshot on Truth Social of Report That Suggests That the U.S. Constitution Disqualifies Nikki Haley From Presidential or Vice Presidential Candidacy

Former President and GOP presidential primary frontrunner Donald Trump today shared a screenshot on Truth Social of a report that suggests that the U.S. Constitution disqualifies Nikki Haley from presidential or vice presidential candidacy.

Trump shared a screenshot of an article written by The Gateway Pundit about the report which was written by Paul Ingrassia at American Greatness.

Ingrassia took aim at Haley by pointing out that her parents weren’t citizens when she was born and he believes that there is a difference between birthright citizenship and natural-born citizenship.

While it seems unlikely that such an argument would hold up to disqualify her, it could be seen as Trump dropping a hint that he has no plans to make Haley his running mate, should he win the nomination.

Kamala Harris had similar questions raised about her eligibility to be Vice President and ultimately it was fact-checked that she was eligible.

Harris was born in the United States, like Haley, and her birth certificate states that she was born to parents who were born in India and Jamaica.

However, the birth certificate didn’t state whether or not they were United States citizens at the time of her birth and ultimately it was deemed that it didn’t matter.

Newsweek ran an opinion piece questioning whether Harris was eligible and they were ultimately forced to backtrack two days later.


  1. OK, excluding barack obama (who’s eligibility is still in question to this day) name a single US president throughout our history that has a foreign parent at his birth, or, for that matter foreign citizenship?

    Thats called PRECEDENT.

  2. Former “Vice President”?!?!?!?

  3. Who writes this shit

  4. Quote: “Former Vice President and GOP presidential primary frontrunner Donald Trump today shared a screenshot …”

    What the hell is that? Donald Trump has never been Vice President.

  5. The Republican base should sue the RNC for not vetting eligibility of candidates.

  6. Is that really a good look for Trump, saying that his opponent is constitutionally disqualified from running for President?

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