Elon Musk Declares That he Must Get Political ‘For the Future of Civilization, Without Which Nothing Matters’

In response to a Tesla-owning Twitter user today, Elon Musk weighed in on why he has been getting political.

The Twitter user, “Gali,” declared in a tweet, “I think @elonmusk getting too political is a mistake.”

Musk responded, “Must be done for the future of civilization, without which nothing matters.”

The tweet offering an opinion on Musk’s politicization came after he had announced that his pronouns are “Prosecute/Fauci.”

“Gali” ultimately changed his tune some once Musk responded, telling him, “thank you for all you do.”

Conservative Cognitive Scientist Nick Flor suggested that “Future Historians will record Elon Musk’s destruction of the woke mind virus as the Literal Saving of Civilization in the Milky Way and the beginning of the Second Enlightenment Era, where Reals beats Muh Feelz.”

It remains unclear what effect Musk’s ownership of Twitter will ultimately have on the future of civilization, but for now, it certainly has dealt a blow to the unfettered monopoly that the left has had on social media.

The question remains, whether it is too little too late. As evidenced by the senate results in the Georgia runoff, it doesn’t seem to have had any effect on changing the fortunes of Republicans.

Even with Musk urging supporters to vote Republican in the midterms, the red wave was never able to materialize.

It seems, though, that something of that nature can take time to progress, so it will be interesting to watch in the coming months and years.


  1. People voted Republican. Democrats cheated. It’s obvious. Elon Musk is right about this, and Trump is usually right about everything. Save America. Stand up.

  2. Jeez! Another idiot author denying voter fraud.
    Twitter didn’t sway any election results, the ballot dumps of manufactured ballots and the machines programed to change votes on ballots did.
    I’m sick of idiots pretending like everything’s just fine and there’s no corruption.
    Wake up or get another job, you’re no journalist!!!

    1. Then put it this way Twitter and all the rest put elections within the margin of cheat. Think how bad the Dems would have lost if we had an unbiased media.

  3. You are the problem. We are sick of you and yours.

  4. Twitter didn’t effect the run off in Georgia because the election was rigged! Illegal campaign donations need to be prosecuted!

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