Jarome Bell Rags on Juan Williams After he Leaves Fox News’ ‘The Five’, Tells Him to ‘Admit He’s a Republican and Come On Over’ Like Leo Terrell

As we previously reported here, Juan Williams is leaving Fox News’ ‘The Five’, although he is not leaving Fox News entirely. Jarome Bell, who is running for Virginia’s Second Congressional District U.S. House Seat, chimed in on the subject yesterday.

“I guess Juan got tired of being the village idiot. #TheFive #FoxNews. He can be like @TheLeoTerrell and admit he’s a Republican and come on over.”

Previously, Leo Terrell, a former Democrat who became a Trump supporter who is now famous for wearing a MAGA hat on live TV, has been relatively critical of Juan Williams, bashing him for his seemingly ridiculous takes on several occasions. One such example, as can be seen below, shows Terrell blasting Williams for Op-Ed criticizing Black RNC speakers.

“‘How Dare You’: Leo Terrell Blasts Juan Williams For Op-Ed Criticizing Black RNC Speakers”

Juan Williams has been known to flip flop and say some things other Democrats disagree with. Some have even speculated that he went on to ‘The Five’ to be a voice to push back on the others, and that may not have agreed with everything he said himself, but rather that he did it to create drama on the show. Nobody knows for sure though, as that is just speculation. Time will tell if Williams becomes Leo 2.0, 2.0, but we doubt it, although anything can happen.

Bell has been growing his following on Twitter as he gears up for his run for congress and has been touring the country meeting up with various key politicians to shore up support for his campaign. Bell is part of the America First movement and is running on supporting a temporary moratorium for legal immigration in addition to stopping illegal immigration so that the United States can get its own problems under control first.

We will keep you updated on that and if Juan Williams surprises us with anything else as best as we are able to with future stories.

Ian MacDonald

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