Lauren Boebert Promises That Congress Will Do the ‘Business of the American People, Not the Special Interests & Lobbyists’

In a tweet following the election of Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House, U.S. House Rep Lauren Boebert promised that Congress will do the “business of the American people, not the special interests & lobbyists.”

Boebert declared in the tweet, “It’s been a long week in DC and the pressure has been intense, but it had to be done.”

“The 118th Congress will be one that does the business of the American people, not the special interests & lobbyists,” Boebert promised.

Boebert added, “This week was about making that happen. Let’s get to work!”

In another tweet this morning, Boebert announced, “If y’all thought that was good, just wait till we take the fight to Joe Biden and the radical left!”

Boebert held out against McCarthy until the final round when it became clear that there was no path forward other than to obstruct him from becoming Speaker.

Ultimately, Boebert voted “present” along with the others who held out until the end as McCarthy was only able to get 216 votes.

On Thursday, Boebert had said in a tweet, “When the country is being destroyed in unprecedented ways, sometimes you need to do unprecedented things to get it back on course.”

“We are fighting to save America and we won’t back down,” Boebert had insisted at the time.

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