The Great Hearts Western Hills charter school in San Antonio, Texas has had enough of what they apparently see as liberal indoctrination, and has put their foot down. It is clear that Lillian White, after wearing masks with multiple different messages including “silence is violence” on her Covid-19 masks could have kept her teaching position if she had just followed orders.
But even after the school asked her to stop spewing her political opinions on the young minds of students, she refused and decided that the kids would hear her message of ‘anti-racism’ that wasn’t part of the curriculum taxpayers signed up for whether they wanted to or not. So today, she no longer has a job unfortunately for her and her family. No matter, as it is reported she doesn’t plan to contest the firing.
Texas teacher fired after declining to stop wearing Black Lives Matter mask #10TV
— 10TV (@10TV) September 22, 2020
DailyKos reported:
“The school superintendent, Daniel Scoggin, released a statement to KENS 5, noting in part: “Great Hearts enacted, in this unprecedented pandemic environment, a policy that face coverings have no external messages.” But as White told the news outlet, she believes this is about “human rights” and is something that should be “promoted at our school.” White argued that by framing it as “politics,” it’s an “excuse because they’re uncomfortable with the conversation.”
“Hey. can you start bringing a different mask on campus? We don’t discuss the current political climate on campus. Parents will start coming around more now,” was the original message asking her to refrain from wearing the politically charged masks that many of the students and their parents may have felt uneasy about.
The full statement from Scoggin reads as follows:
“Great Hearts respects the privacy of all current and former employees and as a result does not issue public comment on specific personnel matters. On the question related to face coverings, Great Hearts enacted, in this unprecedented pandemic environment, a policy that face coverings have no external messages. This policy was authored by school leaders and teachers in service to the learning environment of our classrooms.
Great Hearts was founded and exists today to serve the innate dignity and worth of every human being. We stand with the Black community and all who are suffering. Great Hearts deplores bigotry and its crushing effects on all those subjected to it. Great Hearts is committed to an America where racism, violence, and injustice do not happen, because such acts find no home in the hearts of a great people.”
Many corporations and schools have adapted left-wing Black Lives Matter talking points as standard. But pushback has begun, and even President Trump has stepped in, starting by banning with Executive Order something called ‘critical race theory’ in federal jobs.
The division going on in our country is beyond dinner table talking points now. Many people believe it is their civic duty to push their biased opinions in unbiased environments. This can only lead to chaos and trouble and is a sign of the times we are living in our view.
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