Leftists Still Not Impressed After Amy Coney Barrett Denies Bid By Group to Prevent Biden Admin From Implementing Student Debt Relief Program

Justice Amy Coney Barrett today denied a bid by a group to prevent the Biden Administration from implementing the student debt relief program.

Coney Barret, who oversees emergency appeals from Wisconsin and neighboring states, did not comment on why she made the decision.

Beginning this Sunday, the administration can begin processing requests to have up to $20,000 of debt canceled, unless other litigation goes through to stop it from happening.

As we reported yesterday, the request was made by the Brown County Taxpayers Association, which had a previous lawsuit on the matter dismissed by a federal judge in the state.

On Twitter, leftists weren’t impressed by the move and many made sure to give her the most reserved acknowledgement they could in regards to the decision.

One vulgar “snarky liberal Democrat” declared in a tweet, “Well holy f*ck Batman Amy Coney Barrett actually did something right for once.”

“She blocked a Wisconsin GOP group’s lawsuit against Biden’s student loan debt program,” she reported.

The Young Turks’ Adrienne Lawrence claimed in a tweet that, “Amy Coney Barrett made a sound legal decision instead of pandering to partisan hacks and religious zealots.”

“I will not praise her for doing her job. Nor will I foolishly think that this decision makes her any less of a threat to the rule of law,” Lawrence insisted.

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