Recently we reported that US Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is objecting in the Senate to Joe Biden’s win of the 2020 presidential election. Apparently, an angry liberal is running the Twitter account of one of the largest corporations in the world, based in Arkansas, Walmart.
“Moments after Sen. @HawleyMO said he’d *object* to Electoral College certification on Jan. 6 due to states *failing* to follow election laws & “mega-corporations” interfering on behalf of Biden, @WalMart shows exactly what he means by calling him a *SORE LOSER.* Outrageous.”
Moments after Sen. @HawleyMO said he'd *object* to Electoral College certification on Jan. 6 due to states *failing* to follow election laws & "mega-corporations" interfering on behalf of Biden, @WalMart shows exactly what he means by calling him a *SORE LOSER.*
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 30, 2020
We checked a few accounts to be sure if this was a real tweet, and there indeed appear to be various different screenshots floating around the internet of this.
Walmart deleted this tweet.
— Chief America 1st Trumpster (President Elect) (@ChiefTrumpster) December 30, 2020
It appears liberals, who claim to hate capitalism, are now in love with Walmart, over just one tweet. It’s amazing what one tweet can do to change the political ideology of a left-wing activist!
Full screen capture …for a few moments I was like woke @Walmart ?
— File411 (@File411) December 30, 2020
Its been up for 10 minutes, I have gained some respect for Walmart today
— Fly Ball (@flyballtosecond) December 30, 2020
Walmart knows how it will go down
— J… Fa… (@JayFay75) December 30, 2020
It doesn’t appear to us that Walmart has made a statement yet on the situation:
Hey @Walmart I had a quick question. Can you answer?
— Chief America 1st Trumpster (President Elect) (@ChiefTrumpster) December 30, 2020
Although approximately half the country, arguably slightly less, is of the conservative voting persuasion, it is concerning to say the least, as to how much liberal lean and bias there is in corporate America, despite leftists attempts to paint corporations as evil.
It seems it’s actually leftists doing the social propping up of these ‘evil’ corporations after all, and many on the right have begun to rethink how they see corporations and capitalism altogether, with the exception of some radical libertarian think tank followers and a few other.
Walmart is another woke liberal company that has banned some of their gun and ammo sales due to anti gun activists as well. If there is an update we will bring you the news on the Walmart situation.
It doesn’t seem that the right has much representation at all with the exception of perhaps Tesla’s Elon Musk, and maybe a few others who are quiet for fear of backlash.