U.S. House Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) is running to be re-elected in the ninth district, but is facing an uphill battle this time.
Kaptur has a history of voting for tax increases over the past 39 years of serving in office. She has faced penalties for not paying her own property tax bills on time.
Kaptur wants to tax her constituents even more in order to fund Social Security and was all in for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’s (D-VT) Medicare for all, which would have increased taxes as well.
Kaptur paid a total of nine penalties to Lucas county for being delinquent on property taxes for six properties she owns.
While she is not alone in being delinquent on taxes, she is the most veteran female Congresswoman with delinquencies. Kaptur is the definition of a career politician. She was first elected to the House in 1982.
According to a poll released on September, 28th Ohioans do not think the country is on the right track. 68% of those surveyed believe the country is going in the wrong direction under Biden.
Kaptur doesn’t seem to be one of them. According to FiveThirtyEight, Kaptur is 100% with Biden’s agenda. She has gone along with everything Biden has pushed since he became president of the United States. The website rates her as +2.5 Biden, insinuating she is more with Biden than predicted.
According to the Spectrum poll, Ohio voters it seems, want a change in Congress with 41% desiring that Republicans take control of Congress.
Many pundits predict a red wave for November. This red wave is actually in line with normal political cycles. However, Joe Biden may make it worse for the Democrats this time around.
He is largely seen as a failure, and swing district candidates have been afraid to be labeled a rubber stamp for the father of scandal embroiled Hunter Biden.
The NRCC called her a ”total phony” in 2021.
Marcy Kaptur has touted her environmental credentials, but it turns out she’s a total phony.
Kaptur, who is the chairwoman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development claims she, “focuses on efforts to protect the natural resource of Lake Erie.”
But Business Insider reports Kaptur owns up to $100,000 worth of stock in Nutrien, a Canadian fertilizer company, and Lake Erie has for years experienced harmful algae blooms caused partly by…fertilizer runoff.
Marcy Kaptur faces off with J.R. Majewski on November 8th. We will see if Kaptur’s reign will end or if she will continue on for four decades in the House.