Pelosi Trashes Monument Heritage, “I Don’t Care That Much About Statues… People Will do What They do”

In what appears to be a recent video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaking at a press conference, she takes off the mask and goes full careless as it comes to statues portraying American Heritage. The state debate in the United States has been going on for years.

It started with Confederate statues but now it seems the angry leftist mob is going after all kinds of statues representing American culture, and Western Civilization. Nancy Pelosi couldn’t care less. In this shocking video, she brags about her Italian American heritage, but says she “doesn’t care that much about the statues”.

“I’m not one of those people who’s wedded to, oh a statue to somebody someplace is an important thing. If the community doesn’t want a statue there, it shouldn’t be there.” Pelosi says.

A reporter then asked if statues slated to be removed should at least be done by a commission instead of a mob throwing them (such as Christopher Columbus in Baltimore, MD) into the harbor in the middle of the night. Pelosi shrugged off the ISIS-like statue removal by simply saying, people will do what they do. WATCH:

President Trump has announced an executive order for a national garden to be built to house statues that people in certain cities don’t want for whatever reason. Only one problem, the garden is set to be commissioned after President Trump’s second term, should he be re-elected, so it’s likely a pro-monument Republican would need to be elected after President Trump as well.

Pelosi’s shocking comments just might note resonate very well with some moderate Democrats who might just think statue removal is a bridge too far, but the November presidential election will tell for sure, since this seems to be the larger direction of Joe Biden’s Democrat party.

Ian MacDonald

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