Sarah Sanders Chastises Media For Not Holding Biden ‘Accountable’ on Court-Packing

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden rebuffed a question today on whether he supports a move by many progressives to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court if the Democrats win back the White House and take control of the Senate in November’s elections.

“You’ll know my opinion on court-packing the day after election,” Biden responded when asked about his position.

Former White House Press Secretary called it “offensive and unacceptable” and said it “reveals Biden‘s understanding that the media has not and will not hold him accountable for anything.”

Massachusetts Democrat and progressive Senator Ed Markey tweeted on Monday that if Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, and assuming that they win, they will “abolish the filibuster and expand the Court.”

He called Barrett “a far-right extremist who will do Trump and McConnell’s bidding, roll back reproductive rights, and strip health care away from millions of people.”

Biden attempted to explain his reluctance to answer by saying, ““The moment I answer that question, the headline in every one of your papers will be about, other rather than focusing on what’s happening now.”

“This election has begun. There’s never been a court appointment once the election has begun,” he added.

He refused to answer the question at the first presidential debate and his running mate Kamala Harris wouldn’t directly answer last night at the vice presidential debate.

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