Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders appeared on “Fox & Friends” this morning and talked to co-host Steve Doocy about Bernie dropping out of the race, but “staying on the ballot and keeping his delegates” yesterday. Sanders said that Trump is “taking action and saving lives.”
They also discussed the daily press briefings and how the President is “speaking directly to the American people” while Joe Biden is “hiding in his basement bunker.”
Doocy: What is Bernie doing exactly? You know, he’s staying on the ballot, he’s keeping his delegates, what’s he up to?
Sarah Sanders: Look, I think Bernie Sanders has this illusion that he can move his party further to the left. The reality is Joe Biden has already done that. He’s already adopted a lot of Bernie’s far left extremist views and the Democrat party has moved to the left.
The contrast right now is between Joe Biden and Donald Trump that is the choice Americans have to make and I think there is no question that they’re gonna move towards Donald Trump particularly if you look at what’s happening right now.
You have President Trump who is taking action and saving lives and American jobs while you have Joe Biden who is misleading and dividing the American people.
There’s no wonder that the polls are all showing that people trust the President more to handle the Coronavirus and the economy. They want a strong leader, not a tired politician like Joe Biden and they have that in Donald Trump.
Doocy: Over the last month, the whole political world has changed because the politicians can’t be out and about. People don’t want to go out into an arena or a rope line to meet a candidate anymore because it’s just too dangerous to your personal health as we have heard the public health officials say.
So Joe Biden is Skyping from his basement and then you’ve got the President every afternoon, like clockwork, in the 5 or 6 o’clock hour, he takes the podium and gives America an update on what the administration is doing. Sometimes it runs an hour, sometimes it runs two hours, how effective is this?
Sanders: I think the polling is showing it’s very effective. At the end of the day, the liberal media is never going to give the President a fair shake. They’re just not, so he’s going around them which drives them even crazier than a normal day in the Trump White House and he’s speaking directly to the American people.
He’s providing them with information and updates that is crucial to every day life right now in America. He’s showing what a leader looks like and in contrast you have Joe Biden hiding in his basement bunker, who looks like he’s not even sure that he’s running for President some days.
I think that the contrast is working very well for the President and he should continue doing exactly what he does best and that’s going straight to the American people and delivering his message himself, right there, every afternoon.
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