Former U.S. House Rep Doug Collins, (R-GA), who was been a staunch conservative and supporter of former President Trump’s, issued some tough news to his fans and constituents. Apparently, he is announcing that he will not be running for any office in the next election cycle. This includes the hotly constested U.S. Senate seat that radical leftist Raphael Warnock now holds.
That could be good news for Herschel Walker, who could potentially run against Warnock, but this is major blow for the GOP. They definitely need Collins in some form, and it will tough to replace him in the U.S. House as well.
Collins tweeted out today:
“I’m announcing today that I will not be a candidate for any office in the next election cycle. Read more”
In part his tweet read:
“I am announcing today that I will not be a candidate for any office in the next election cycle.” He continues:
“It has been a joy to serve in both the Georgia Legislature and the United States Congress. During my time in Congress, I was able to accomplish a great deal for the folks that I served including historic criminal justice reform with the passage of the First Step Act.”
It’s important to note that although Collins was well loved for the most part among the right wing, many didn’t really feel that the First Step Act was needed, and that it was something Jared Kushner pushed former President Trump to do. Letting out criminals early in an effort to get more Black voters didn’t seem to work out too well for Trump, nevertheless, this will likely be a standard Republican talking point going forward anyway, as the modern GOP seems to be yesterday’s DNC in our view.
Collins continued on with his explanation of his planned hiatus:
“As ranking member of the House Judiciary Committe, I fought each and every day to uphold our Constitutional rights and the freedoms we cherish. I have always believed that when you are given the privilege of serving, you should strive to pass meaningful legislation that impacts people’s everyday lives. I’m proud we were able to do just that”.
Collins was also able to be a staunch of defender of former President Trump’s while they treat to impeach him over what Trump called the Russian hoax, time and time again, and was successful at keeping the impeachment from ever leading to a conviction. This means Donald Trump can easily run again for president if he does decide to, despite losing in 2020, thanks to Collins and others.
He continues his letter even futher:
“For those who may wonder, this is goodbye for now, but probably not forever”. This signals a potential comeback for Collins, and that perhaps he has some family or personal issues to tend to. Nevertheless, supporters can only hope he doesn’t take the off-ramp to the Fox News host option instead, as many believe Collins will be needed on the front lines, politically speaking.
You can read the rest of his letter in the tweet below:
I’m announcing today that I will not be a candidate for any office in the next election cycle. Read more
— Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) April 26,