Video has emerged that supports Tara Reade’s story about Joe Biden regarding her accusations of sexual assault. The evidence is that Reade confirms her mom’s voice in an anonymous phone call to Larry King where the caller said their daughter had a story to tell about leaving Washington after working for a prominent senator.
Donald Trump Jr. retweeted a #Believesurvivors Nancy Pelosi tweet where she said that “few recognize Dr. Ford’s Sheer bravery in sharing her story today.” He quoted the tweet while replacing Dr. Ford’s name with Tara Reade.
Pelosi: Far too few people are recognizing Dr. Ford’s sheer bravery in sharing her story today. That *must* not be overlooked. #BelieveSurvivors#KavanaughHearings
Trump Jr: Far too few people are recognizing Tara Reade’s sheer bravery in sharing her story today. That *must* not be overlooked.
Far too few people are recognizing Tara Reade’s sheer bravery in sharing her story today. That *must* not be overlooked.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 25, 2020
So far, the mainstream media has been mostly silent on these latest revelations. Biden supporter Jeff Fecke was not convinced, saying, “Stop trying to make Tara Reade happen, it isn’t gonna happen.”
Stop trying to make Tara Reade happen, it isn't gonna happen.
— Jeff Fecke (@jkfecke) April 24, 2020
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