Tucker Leaks Audio of CNN’s Jeff Zucker Telling Michael Cohen How Much He Likes Trump in 2016, Wanted to Give Him TV Show

Tonight on Tucker Carlson’s top-rated primetime show ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’, Tucker Carlson exposed a bombshell. He released leaked audio of CNN President Jeff Zucker chumming it up with President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Before the 2016 election Cohen apparently called Zucker on his cell phone. After the CNN President bragged about how he thinks CNN can influence a presidential election, he went on to tell Cohen that Trump would do fine in the GOP debates, even went as far as giving him tips.

Zucker was afraid to email President Trump how he felt about him because he doesn’t want it to be official, he said, calling Donald Trump ‘the boss’. He didn’t want to be referenced by then Presidential contender Trump for example, at one of his rallies. Check out the bombshell reveal below:

Tucker Carlson timed this well, as he said on his show that Michael Cohen is slated to appear on CNN tomorrow, and this will be sure to throw a monkey wrench into his appearance on the liberal network. It is likely there will be a response from Cohen and others as this is sure to draw fury from Trump haters and the left, and possibly question what people think of the President of CNN, and maybe CNN itself.

Ian MacDonald

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