Austin TX Man Will Serve No Time in Jail With Plea Deal After Beating Girlfriend and Killing Unborn Child

In 2019 Austin police arrested Johnny Charles Ebbs V, 24 at the time, for assaulting his pregnant girlfriend.

Ebbs accepted a plea deal of eight years differed adjudication on a third-degree continuous family violence assault charge. He will be on community supervision or probation for a period of time and once that is completed the original office will be dismissed. However, if he has his probation revoked or violates it, he could face the full punishment of the original charge.

Ebbs had accused his girlfriend, LaShonda Lemons, who was pregnant with their son of cheating. Lemons who was 32 weeks pregnant at the time, tried to leave. It is reported that Ebbs then grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground. He then punched her in the stomach and allegedly screamed at her, “F*ck you and this baby! You aren’t going anywhere!”

She then tried to escape through the window and Ebbs told her, “If you put one leg out of that window, I’ll push you out!”. He then slammed the window shut pushed Lemons to the ground and punched her in the stomach many more times.

At the time Lemons did not call the police and became concerned when she no longer felt the baby move. She went to the hospital three days later and was informed the baby had died from “placenta abruption,” meaning the placenta had detached from the womb, caused by blunt force trauma.

She then went to the police and Ebbs was arrested on March 29th of 2019 and charged with second-degree felony aggravated assault.

Lemons’ attorney, Kelsey Mckay stated, “We have firearm surrender laws. We have domestic violence laws. But if there’s not enforcement and implementation of those laws, they’re relatively useless.”

Ebbs is required to surrender his guns but has not yet done so according to McKay. Ebbs has sworn in court that he doesn’t have any guns and won’t live in a house with them in it as part of the plea agreement.

This is a tragedy, with a helpless victim. Ebbs will have to wear a GPS monitor for only six months according to the plea deal

Coni Huntsman Stonger, a domestic abuse advocate, told NBC affiliate KXAN, “Very concerned that the sentencing does not result in safety for the survivor and the community.”

A life was lost and no jail time will be served. It seems almost unreal but is seemingly more and more common.

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