Candace Owens Says Trump Election Was A ‘Miracle’

Candace Owens tweeted a pair of tweets today after an initial tweet responding to the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Owens also did a Facebook Live video where she called President Trump’s election in 2016 a “miracle.”

In both the initial tweet and on her Facebook live video, she urged people to “Pray for the Ginsburg family, but also pray for America.” She added in last night’s tweet that “If you thought you saw the face of true evil with the Democrats’ treatment of Brett Kavanaugh— you ain’t see nothing yet.”

In the Facebook Live Video, Owens said, “I have always just felt this tremendous positivity, like just this certainty, almost like a spirit moving through America where I just knew things were going to be okay. Like there was a miracle in Trump winning the election with everybody stacked against him.”

She continued in the video, “The Republican Party was stacked against him. The media was stacked against him. This man should not have won the election. He just should not have. By any reasonable metric, you would not have thought Trump would win the election.”

“The polls were stacked against him. It was impossible for him to win and Trump won. So it was a God thing you know. So I have always felt when I got into this, I am not supposed to be here,” Owens added.

Owens first tweet this morning said, “The riots won’t matter. The looting won’t matter. The mail-in ballot scamming won’t matter. And they know it. Conservatives have the Supreme Court. Now we sit back and observe the last squeals of the dying animal that is the Marxist Left.”

She then echoed her comments in the Facebook Live video, saying, “There is only one side that believes in God. The atheist Left were always fighting a losing battle. No one has ever gone up against God and walked away a winner. Faith matters. Family matters. America wins.”

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