Chuck Todd and ‘RINO’ Rep Peter Meijer Come to Devastating Realization on Air: Donald Trump Isn’t Going Away, ‘No Other Option’

U.S. House Rep Peter Meijer (R-MI) spoke to Chuck Todd on NBS News’ “Meet the Press”. Meijer is known as a RINO, or “Republican in name only” for his vote to impeach former President Trump in addition to his constant counter-signals to Trump and his supporters.

This includes everything Trump stood and stands for in the eyes of most Trump supporters in our view. Speaking to Todd, Meijer admits to Todd that despite many folks’ hope that Trump was going to go away after Biden became president, it’s just not happening.

Meijer doesn’t appear to be happy about this, and neither does Todd, but they are simply grappling with what they feel is a sad reality. This rings especially true because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ immense unpopularity among the American people.

Many polls show that if the 2020 election were held today instead, Trump would easily win. Of course, polls are just polls, but there is something to be said for that nonetheless. Other polls are showing that even Hispanics may be abandoning the Democrat party in droves after the riots of 2020 were swept under the rug and the party of the radical left continues to push anti-police anti-law and order rhetoric.

In the interview which can be watched in the below embed, Todd says:

“Enough is enough, I’m out of here, right? I’m, I’m done with this, the party’s going to move on, Trump’s going to be left behind. Why do you think that didn’t happen?”

Meijer: “There was no alternative. There was no other path.” Meijer goes on to blame Trump for some Republican losses.

“And given how President Biden, when he was elected into office, said he would be moderate and look for bipartisan solutions, and then after, and frankly I blame the former president for this after we lost the two senate seats in Georgia and the Senate flipped, it became an exercise in trying to be an LBJ or FDR style presidency in transformational change in the absence of any compelling mandate from the American people to do so. So that gave the rallying signal, so that created a very steep divide, and at the end of the day, there is no other option right now in the Republican party, and that’s a sad testament.”

Todd: “Why is it on President Biden that the Republican party can’t seem to kick their Trump habit? I mean, why isn’t it on Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnel, and yourself?”

Meijer: “Well we have a two-party system. In the best-case scenario, each party challenges the other to do better, to be better, to have a scenario where iron sharpens iron. Instead, if you have one party plumbing the depths and the other just uses that as an excuse to go further, to go more to an extreme to go more away from any sort of governing consensus, and towards trying to enact whatever the will of the most extreme constituency they have is, that is a recipe for both parties to drive further away from anything that resembles serving the American people as a whole.”


It seems that with 2022 elections looming, and Democrat approval ratings on the rocks, the left-wing and RINO parrots in the media are grappling with reality and trying to paint a caricature of what they see as a train coming towards them proverbially.

We will only know what the political future of the United States actually holds when Americans go into the ballot booths later this year and in 2024 though. Stay tuned to Media Right News for further developments as we wade into 2022 and all that it brings.

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