Donald Trump Slams Democrats and RINOs as China Gains Influence and Power, Details 2024 Plan to Push Back in Campaign Style Video

Wednesday, former President Donald Trump put out a video on Truth Social, going over what China is doing in America in his view, and his plan to stand up to what they are doing.

Trump truthed, “When I’m president, I will ensure that America’s future remains firmly in American hands, not in China’s. We need to enact aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of any vital infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies, and other strategic national assets”

Trump exclaimed in the video, “China is buying up our country.” He then points the finger at Democrats and Rinos who are busy with foreign wars and “The Green New Deal” and rolling out benefits for illegal immigrants. All the while China is spending trillions to take over the “crown jewels” of America’s economy.

Trump stated with the help of the “Biden crime family”, China is buying up “pillars of U.S. energy industry”. He shared that this is because Biden doesn’t care about “real” energy only “energy that doesn’t work”.

Instead of cherry-picking what we are concerned with Trump thinks all of China’s actions need to be paid attention to.

He highlights that China doesn’t allow American companies to take over critical infrastructure in China the way we have allowed China to do here. “I didn’t allow it when I was president and I won’t allow it when we become president again,” Trump declares.

Trump then lays out a plan to restrict what China is doing to take over critical infrastructure in the United States. He gives a warning, “If we don’t do this the United States will be owned by China”.

For many years China’s presence has been ever-increasing in the United States. China has purchased land as well as influence thought out the country.

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