Elon Musk Asks Why the American Media Went from Speaking ‘Truth to Power’ to Doing the State’s Bidding

Wednesday Elon Musk asked Twitter, “Why did American media go from questioning the State and “speaking truth to power” to doing their bidding?”

Journalist Andy Ngo replied, “Ideological capture by a generation of new journalists who were brainwashed into left-wing politics.”

Ashley St. Clair responded, “$$$$$$$$$$”.

Musk’s tweet highlights something that it seems most Americans have noticed. No one in the mainstream media really investigates or questions the State.

Trump it seems was the only person from the State that really face any scrutiny of late and one could speculate that is because he wasn’t part of the D.C. club many refer to as the Swamp.

To many, it feels that the guidelines for what is to be promoted are set in stone and that is all that most media puts out, social justice, the green new deal, transgender rights, and many other topics.

It can feel at times that the push for leftist ideals barrages the American people constantly. Many feel they are silenced if the narrative is questioned.

Musk followed up his first tweet with, “To be clear, I’m not someone who thinks lots of government agencies should be abolished (maybe a few), but we should always question our institutions, as this strengthens the bedrock of democracy.”

He did share when he started his Twitter acquisition, he wanted it to be a platform for free thought exchange. With Twitter now a place for free speech, it appears Musk is hoping to see some investigations on the State.

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