Elon Musk Thanks Stephen King For the ‘Compliment’ That ‘Once Pleasant’ Twitter Has Turned ‘Grungy and a Little Ominous’

Twitter owner Elon Musk took the high road yesterday in response to lefitst horror author Stephen King who appeared to be lodging a complaint about the social media platform.

The exchange began when King declared in a tweet, “Twitter is like a once pleasant neighborhood that’s turned grungy and a little ominous.”

Musk took notice of King’s message and replied, “Oh stop with the compliments!” along with a smiling face with blushed cheeks emoji.

Musk has a history of responding to tweets from King, who in January threatened that he might eventually leave the platform.

“There are persistent rumors that I have left Twitter. I have not. I may do so eventually, there are many things about the Musk iteration of the site that I don’t care for, but that day is not today. You don’t fix a thing by leaving it,” King said at the time.

Several Twitter users have responded to Musk, including former GOP Congressional candidate John Matland, who provided a “translation” of King’s tweet.

“Translation: @StephenKing liked it better when they used technology to keep ‘those’ people out of his digital neighborhood,” Matland explained.

Matland then chided King as he told him, “Digital hate is still hate Stephen.”

Matland’s reply received a positive response while leftist Jeffrey Phillips, who urges users to leave Twitter, was badly ratioed with his response that was critical of Musk’s leadership on the platform.

“When Stephen King says you’re a creep, it’s time to take a minute and reassess your life, #Elon. We all hate you now. Literally everybody who used to like you, hates you. And all the people who used to hate you… find you useful. Idiot,” Phillips claimed.

1 Comment

  1. I never realized… Stephen King has severe Duckmouth.

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