Former CNN Host Brian Stelter Wonders Why Elon Musk Won’t Step Down as Twitter CEO, Gets Embarrassed in the Tweet Replies

Failed and fired TV show host for radical left “news” channel CNN Brian Stelter recently spoke at the WEF. Apparently that made him feel super important and still relevant (in our speculation).

With his newfound confidence, Stelter took to Twitter, which many liberals are supposed to be boycotting, to complain that Elon Musk won’t quit as Twitter CEO.

While it’s true that Musk did a Twitter poll about stepping down as Twitter CEO upon finding a suitable replacement, the arbitrary suitable replacement portion of that question in our view leaves the situation quite open ended.

Radical left wing extremists the country over rejoiced when the poll voted for Musk to step down.

However, they’re realizing that he’s still there and folks such as Stelter are espousing their extreme disappointment and frustration with tweets like the below:

“Remember when Elon Musk posted a poll asking if he should step down as Twitter CEO, and users decisively voted yes, and nothing happened?”

In the replies and quote tweets, Stelter’s question was answered by many in ways that he may not be thrilled about in our estimation.

Here are a few examples in the below tweets which we don’t necessarily endorse and are shown strictly for newsworthiness reasons:

Stay tuned for possible updates to this ongoing saga.

Ian MacDonald

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