George Santos Hits Back After Mitt Romney Reportedly told him ‘You Don’t Belong Here’, tells him ‘You will NEVER be President!’

There were fireworks during Joe Biden’s State of the Union tonight. No one expected an encore. We got one anyway.

U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) allegedly told U.S. House Rep. George Santos (R-NY) “you don’t belong here”. To many it sounded like he felt Santos should resign. Romney, a known hothead, apparently backpedaled somewhat however:

“Romney on comments to Santos: “So, given the fact that he’s under an ethics investigation, he should be sitting in the back row and saying quiet said parading in front of the President and and people coming into the room.”

Here’s the original exchange where you can’t really hear the exact words:

Santos hit back:

“Hey @MittRomney just a reminder that you will NEVER be PRESIDENT!”

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Ian MacDonald

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