Friday afternoon, Jack Dorsey, founder and former CEO of Twitter came to the company’s defense with the actions it has taken that have come under much scrutiny of late. Dorsey also addressed what he saw as his biggest failing and touched on Twitter’s permanent ban.
Dorsey started the five-part tweet with, “I have tried taking a break from Twitter recently, but I must say: the company has always tried to do its best given the information it had. Every decision we made was ultimately my responsibility*. In the cases we were wrong or went too far, we admitted it and worked to correct.” He includes an asterisk and touches back on the permanent ban at the end.
I have tried taking a break from Twitter recently, but I must say: the company has always tried to do its best given the information it had. Every decision we made was ultimately my responsibility*. In the cases we were wrong or went too far, we admitted it and worked to correct.
— jack(@jack) April 29, 2022
Jack then goes on to explain why things aren’t resolved as quickly as one may expect, “Some things can be fixed immediately, and others require rethinking and reimplementing the entire system. It is important to me that we get critical feedback in all of its forms, but also important that we get the space and time to address it. All of that should be done publicly.”
Jack addresses transparency, something Elon Musk is calling to resolve with open source algorithms. However, it seems Jack doesn’t share the sentiment Musk does according to his tweet. “A transparent system, both in policy and operations, is the right way to earn trust. Whether it’s owned by a company or an open protocol doesn’t matter _as much as_ deliberately deciding to be open about every decision and why it was made. It’s not easy to do, but it must happen.”
A transparent system, both in policy and operations, is the right way to earn trust. Whether it’s owned by a company or an open protocol doesn’t matter _as much as_ deliberately deciding to be open about every decision and why it was made. It’s not easy to do, but it must happen.
— jack(@jack) April 29, 2022
Jack then gets to what he sees as his biggest failing, “Doing this work means you’re in the arena. Nothing that is said now matters. What matters is how the service works and acts, and how quickly it learns and improves. My biggest failing was that quickness part. I’m confident that part at least is being addressed, and will be fixed.”
With the final tweet in the thread, he defends himself and also expresses his thoughts on a permanent ban. “*it’s also crazy and wrong that individuals or companies bear this responsibility. As I’ve said before, I don’t believe any permanent ban (with the exception of illegal activity) is right, or should be possible. This is why we need a protocol that’s resilient to the layers above.”
*it’s also crazy and wrong that individuals or companies bear this responsibility. As I’ve said before, I don’t believe any permanent ban (with the exception of illegal activity) is right, or should be possible. This is why we need a protocol that’s resilient to the layers above.
— jack(@jack) April 29, 2022
Jack doesn’t think a permanent ban should be possible but that didn’t stop him from banning the former president of the United States for something he may have perceived as illegal from his tweet.
Donald Trump was not impeached and has not been convicted of any wrongdoing for the events of January 6th. The only court that has found him guilty so far is the liberal court of public opinion.
- Sources: Tim Pool Sold Operation to The Daily Wire - December 17, 2024
- Jack Smith BTFO After Judge Cannon Denies Gag Order Request on Donald Trump - May 28, 2024
- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024