Former First Lady Michelle Obama felt the need to respond to the Supreme Court Decision that came down today. She shared her message on Twitter:
“I wanted to share some of my thoughts on today’s Supreme Court decision on affirmative action:”
“Back in college. I was one of the few Black students on my campus, and I was proud of getting into such a respected school. I knew I’d worked hard for it. But still, I sometimes wondered if people thought I got there because of affirmative action. It was a shadow that students like me couldn’t shake, whether those doubts came from the outside or inside our own minds. But the fact is this: I belonged. And semester after semester, decade after decade, for more than half a century, countless students like me showed they belonged, too. It wasn’t just the kids of color who benefitted, either. Every student who heard a perspective they might not have encountered, who had an assumption challenged, who had their minds and their hearts opened gained a lot as well. It wasn’t perfect, but there’s no doubt that it helped offer new ladders of opportunity for those who, throughout our history, have too often been denied a chance to show how fast they can climb.
Of course, students on my campus and countless others across the country were – and continue to be – granted special consideration for admissions. Some have parents who graduated from the same school. Others have families who can afford coaches to help them run faster or hit a ball harder. Others go to high schools with lavish resources for tutors and extensive standardized test prep that help them score higher on college entrance exams.
We don’t usually question if those students belong. So often, we just accept that money, power, and privilege are perfectly justifiable forms of affirmative action, while kids growing up like I did are expected to compete when the ground is anything but level.
So today, my heart breaks for any young person out there who’s wondering what their future holds ~ and what kinds of chances will be open to them. And while I know the strength and grit that ties inside kids who have always had to sweat a little more to climb the same ladders, I hope and I pray that the rest of us are willing to sweat a little, too. Today is a reminder that we’ve got to do the work not just to enact policies that reflect our values of equity and fairness, but to truly make those values real in all of our schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods.”
Conservative comedian Jimmy Failla attacked Obama’s rant by sarcastically stating the obvious, “Thank you for taking the time to tweet from one of your mansions that there’s no way for black people to get ahead in this day and age.”
While many bemoaned the SCOTUS decision, it seems they haven’t actually read it. While race-based admission as a factor alone was found to be unconstitutional, in violation of the 14th Amendment, the opinion authored by Chief Justice Roberts states, admissions can take race into account in terms of “how race affected the applicant’s life, so long as that discussion is concretely tied to a quality of character or unique ability that the particular applicant can contribute to the university.”
We will see if this decision by the Supreme Court will bring other challenges to the outdated affirmative action policies.
- Sources: Tim Pool Sold Operation to The Daily Wire - December 17, 2024
- Jack Smith BTFO After Judge Cannon Denies Gag Order Request on Donald Trump - May 28, 2024
- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024
JIGS’ Up, Mike !
Should have also asked why she gave up her law license if she worked so hard for it, and she belonged there to get it.
Yes, blacks are so oppressed they have made our major cities combat zones of murder, rape and pillaging. They are shooting each other at extreme rates. They fail elementary classes and need a leg up to even glimpse success because of oppression. Here’s a brilliant solution. Stop killing, start studying and push yourselves to be more than aspiring rappers. Maybe then you won’t need affirmative action but can rely upon your own abilities. I believe you can
PS, Mrs. Obama, maybe you can make your millions the way I did. By long, honest work and endless strife and not by raiding government coffers or relying upon ‘donors’ who only love you for what they can get out of you.
What about white students who face difficult circumstances growing up? Guess they don’t count?
If they really want black kids to go to college, the first step would be quit pumping out graduates with a 2nd grade education.
Democrats are the worst enemies of black people. They destroy their lives by destroying their education, then call them the victims so they continue to vote for them.
Democrats are the masters of creating a problem and then running for office to fix it,
When working for a large corporation in the 1980’s, the company had to hire some people based on the criteria of “affirmative action”, which means the company had to hire some of the most lazy incompetent useless people on the planet.
Oh, the irony. She wouldn’t have had to wonder IF IT WEREN’T FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!
They probably all just thought Michelle was at the school on a scholarship for the men’s basketball team.
DILLIGAS what that sheboon thinks ?
Her? mansion???
Love that guy! He always grabs an issue by the throat and shakes it until the applause dies down. INCISIVE !
They probably thought Michelle was at the school on a scholarship for the men’s basketball team.
As long as Affirmative Action was there, Big Mike got in via Affirmative Action.
He didn’t earn his way in. As long as Affirmative Action exists, blacks cannot take credit for effort and achievement, Affirmative Action is pure racism, what divisive demoKKKrats love, obviously.
Didn’t I hear years ago that she claimed that she felt she “never belonged” during her college years?
I for one don’t care what this dude says. The Obama’s have not ever produced a single high school or college transcript for us to see to tell if Affirmative action worked or not!
I have often wondered if Obama ever even attended Columbia and Harvard. I have read many stories of other students who attended at the same time he ‘allegedly’ did and no one ever recalls seeing or meeting him.
I’d have more respect for Big Mike if he had just taken the football scholarship
i wonder what his gpa really was. and i wonder if his husband really did attend college. you see, the dumbing down of America started right about the time these two idiots were dudes. but i guess a.a. helped these two make a billion.
Big Mike is PROOF black and trans folk can make it in America and even live in the White House too.
“I wanted to share some of my thoughts on today’s Supreme Court decision on affirmative action:”
Please don’t
Awww crap.
You did anyway.
Well, now the ridicule you have coming at you is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED.
The Obamas are the greatest embarrassment, as well as the greatest purveyors of racism and racial hatred, in the last 100 years of the nation.
I’ve read your thesis, heard you speak, and am familiar with your “accomplishments”.
You definitely did NOT earn your place to get into the university, and it is evident and obvious from your body of work that you were not only way over your head, but completely incapable of doing the necessary work for such, what did you call it? Oh yes “such a prestigious university”.
Nobody who heard your “perspective they might not have encountered [otherwise]” benefitted from it. Not while you were there, not since you’ve been out, and certainly not now as you spew more nonsense to promote even more destructive racist and classist ideologies.