At today’s press conference, President Joe Biden was asked about Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) being chased as she was going into the bathroom by an activist. Biden’s response was very dismissive, he did acknowledge that the behavior wasn’t appropriate but added, “it happens to everybody… its part of the process.”
Danny De Urbina tweeted a clip, from the press conference, which can be seen below. “WOW. Biden just dismissed Senator @kyrstensinema from being harassed and cornered into a bathroom this weekend, saying “it happens to everybody… it’s part of the process.” WATCH. This is absolute insanity.”
WOW. Biden just dismissed Senator @kyrstensinema being harassed and cornered into a bathroom this weekend, saying “it happens to everybody… it’s part of the process.”
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) October 4, 2021
WATCH. This is absolute insanity.
Fox News’ John Roberts also tweeted about the incident. “Curious quote of the day… @JoeBiden says taking video of female government officials in the restroom is “part of the process”. I’m curious as to what “process” that is…?”
Curious quote of the day… @JoeBiden says taking video of female government officials in the restroom is “part of the process”. I’m curious as to what “process” that is…?
— John Roberts (@johnrobertsFox) October 4, 2021
Fox News political editor, Cameron Cawthorne pointed out Biden’s hypocrisy in a tweet. He highlighted what Biden had told staffers in January, that he would “fire you on the spot” if they didn’t treat others with respect.
“Back in Jan, Biden told staffers that he would “fire you on the spot” if you didn’t treat others with respect. When asked about the tactics of activists harassing Sen. Sinema in bathroom he very softly criticized and downplayed as “part of the process.”
Back in Jan, Biden told staffers that he would “fire you on the spot” if you didn’t treat others with respect.
— Cameron Cawthorne (@Cam_Cawthorne) October 4, 2021
When asked about the tactics of activists harassing Sen. Sinema in bathroom he very softly criticized and downplayed as “part of the process.”
Currently, Biden is trying to get Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin (D-WV) to the table to pass the $3.5T infrastructure bill. The pair it seems believe the bill is too large. Manchin has set a more modest number of $1.5T that he would feel more comfortable with. Sinema and Manchin are labeled as centrist and aren’t too gung-ho to pass a massive infrastructure bill that seems to have a lot more than just infrastructure in it.
We reported earlier on both Senators being confronted this weekend for not just going along to get along, “Democrat U.S. Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) and Joe Manchin (WV), were both confronted this weekend by radical leftist activists who demanded that they support the progressive agenda.
Manchin was confronted yesterday by kayakers in his Washington D.C. houseboat, one who yelled, “Senator, this is an investment.”
“This is not giving out money, this is not spending, this is building the state that we both love!” the kayaker added...
Sinema was followed today from the classroom where she teaches at Arizona State University to a bathroom and they demanded that she take action on a “pathway to citizenship.”
Jack Posobiac tweeted about the incident, “BREAKING: A crowd of insurrectionists just chased Senator Sinema into a bathroom at ASU screaming at her while she hid in a stall. No @CapitolPolice in sight for the female Senator.”
Sinema appeared unfazed by the activists, handling her business despite their pleas, first going into the stall and then washing her hands before a clip of the incident cuts out.“
This behavior isn’t anything new, when the left wants to get their way they don’t seem to have lines they won’t cross. Last summer, was plagued with protests and rioting across that nation, with calls for defunding the police. In many areas the protester’s screams were rewarded with just that, many cities cut the police budgets and changed policies. Crime has been on the rise, and some believe it may be in part due to the restructuring and budget cuts.
We will see what agreement Biden can make on his massive infrastructure bill, as he has radical liberals pushing for more. The more moderate side of the party Democrat party stands at odds with the radical liberals for now.
- Sources: Tim Pool Sold Operation to The Daily Wire - December 17, 2024
- Jack Smith BTFO After Judge Cannon Denies Gag Order Request on Donald Trump - May 28, 2024
- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024