Joe Biden on Illegal Immigrant Crossings: ‘I Guess I Should be Flattered Because Biden’s a Good Guy, a Nice Guy’, Then ‘Clarifies’ it Immediately After

In a White House press conference today, President Joe Biden was grilled on many things including immigration, the filibuster, gun control, and climate change. A left-wing political activist who poses as a PBS journalist, (this is in our personal view, she technically is actually a PBS journalist) Yamiche Alcindor, asked how Joe Biden’s administration is deciding who gets to stay and who gets sent back from the illegal immigrant pool, which is now a huge pool.

We think the pool is huge thanks to Biden’s policies, although he says it’s not his fault and that it’s a seasonal change. The Biden administration has previously blamed former President Trump as well. When Joe Biden gave his long detailed answer to Yamiche, it may have started out being what she and other radical leftists wanted to hear. But then he pivoted, saying that kids with parents back in Mexico or another country would probably be sent back.

Biden was all over the board here, defending allowing illegal immigrants in, claiming they are being mostly sent back, and blaming Trump for many of the problems. In the 2 minute clip we posted on Twitter you can see the bizarre exchange where he says he’s flattered that people are coming because he’s a “nice guy”.

He immediately walks it back though, giving “fact-checkers” a green light to potentially correct any stories that don’t mention how he basically walks it back immediately, which is why we are clear that he appears to immediately realize his fumble in the clip and “explain” it away.

Yamiche started out in the clip by saying “you’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now, this isn’t the time to come”. She begins by saying that, but we just want to be clear that what she means is illegal immigrants although she left the word illegal out because Democrats believe “no human being is illegal”. That phrase out of context sounds nice but it is used to mis-contextualize the fact that not just anyone can enter the U.S. at any time.

She goes on, “that message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and entrusting you with unaccompanied minors, how do you resolve that tension, and how are you choosing which families go and which families can stay…”

Biden finally picks up after Alcindor finishes, “well look, I guess I should be flattered, people are coming because I’m the nice guy, that’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that’s why they’re coming because Biden’s a good guy”.

Biden then pivots to clarify that he actually doesn’t think people are coming because he’s a nice guy. He cites some statistics to show that he thinks people tried to come just as hard under Trump. Basically, Biden is disagreeing with his left-wing journalistic counterparts who insist people at the border keep saying they’re coming because of Joe Biden’s policies. He goes onto finish his explanation below:

It’s hard to tell what Biden really thinks. If you watched the rest of the conference, you would see that a few times Biden’s stops in the middle of his sentence and jumps to a different subject. When he finished with Alcindor’s question he asked if she wanted him to continue or if he was giving too much detail. It seemed to us reporters didn’t clearly get an answer they wanted to the question of how he decides who gets to stay in the United States.

Time will tell what happens with the crisis at the border. Biden also mentioned that people come this time of year because it’s not as hot and it’s easier to cross the border at the beginning of the year. We will see if illegal crossings dramatically drop off but it’s hard to draw the conclusion that many aren’t coming because of Biden’s policies, at least in part.

It’s been reported that Vice President Kamala Harris has been handed off some of the border crisis duties as well, even though she laughed to a reporter the other day when asked if she would be visiting the border.

Full video: (may still be live)

Ian MacDonald

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