Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Testy With Reporter, ‘It’s not your Decision to Make on What I can and can’t Answer’

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been struggling to give answers to questions asked regarding the Joe Biden classified documents situation.

During a press briefing today, it was no different as one reporter prefaced a question by telling her, “On questions that you should be able to answer here that shouldn’t have to go to any other agency or entity…”

“Can you tell us if there has been any sort of assessment that has been planned or launched to determine if national security has been jeopardized at all?” the reporter asked.

Jean-Pierre responded, “Again that’s for the Department of Justice” prompting the reporter to ask, “why is it a DOJ question?”

“And let’s be clear, it’s not your decision to make on what I can and can’t answer,” was all Jean-Pierre would add before dismissing her question.

During another exchange with a different reporter, Jean-Pierre essentially laid out the guidelines on what she was going to answer throughout the briefing.

The reporter asked her, “Do you think it was proper for President Biden to comment on an ongoing DOJ investigation?”

Jean-Pierre replied, “So I’m gonna say this and gonna keep it really short today as it relates to this particular issue, as it relates to an ongoing legal matter.”

“I’m going to refer you to the Department of Justice with that specific… as it relates to anything you want to ask of us about this legal matter I would refer you to the White House counsel office, I’m gonna leave it there, I’m not going further” Jean-Pierre added.

The reporter objected by Jean-Pierre shot back, “I already answered your question,” which led to a back-and-forth where the reporter told her, “You really didn’t,” with Jean-Pierre telling him, “I did,” as the reporter insisted, “No, you didn’t…”


  1. An unelected and not constitutionally certified Administration, not understanding that they aren’t the Supreme Authority in the Republic?
    Gee, color me unshocked.

  2. Girl, you are a public servant and beholden to the public which, in this instance, is the media.
    You Must answer questions in that role.

  3. She should answer everything. That’s her job; answering to US on her senile boss’s behalf.

  4. I sure wish this incompetent AA, SEG hire would just get lost.

  5. KPJ has made a mockery of the Whitehouse Spokesperson position. The arrogant, and condescending manner in which she conducts these “press briefings” is a disgrace. No information is provided to the press, other than the pre-approved propaganda that is written in her binder. She has demonstrated that the Whitehouse Spokesperson position is a useless government job that can easily be eliminated by simply releasing a daily press brief to the media.

  6. Why does anyone waste time asking questions of this little ignorant, the second half of dumb and dumber chocolate mop head?

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