Former Fox News host and occasionally correct Megyn Kelly shared that in her analysis, Fox News’ 8 PM audience is in steep decline since Tucker Carlson was let go on Monday. She has already spoken out on this and is going into more detail.
Kelly started her vlog segment by sharing the progressively worsening numbers in viewership the 8 PM hour has been getting at Fox News. Kelly also shared that CNN and MSNBC are beating Fox News in viewership at that hour.
Fox News’ 6 PM and 7 PM hours are beating the 8 PM spot, which is considered the most desirable primetime hour. Kelly stated that Fox News is in an “existential crisis”.
Kelly and Buck Sexton then started their discussion on what Fox News could do about the steep decline. Sexton and Kelly made it clear they don’t believe the steep decline has anything to do with Brian Kilmeade, who has been put in the spot in the interim. They inferred that Fox News chose the most likable personality to try to fill the void, but the ire viewers feel about the unexplained ousting of Carlson has made its mark.
It was suggested that the only solution Fox News has is to bring Carlson back on. Sexton shared he took used to take time out of his busy schedule to watch Carlson’s monologue as much as time would allow him. He went on to share that people like him have no interest in tuning into anything else, and now will not be tuned in early for Jesse Watters or staying late for Sean Hannity now that the draw is gone. In our view however, it’s extremely unlikely now, that the course of parting ways could be reversed, and mention of such things would be extremely speculative.
She tweeted the video of her discussion over the numbers with Sexton, revealing “The 8p audience at Fox News has been cut by TWO-THIRDS. My God.”
The 8p audience at Fox News has been cut by TWO-THIRDS. My God.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) April 28, 2023
It was announced Monday that Carlson and Fox News were parting ways, it came out later that one of Carlson’s executive producers Justin Wells was also let go.
Carlson has made his way to his Florida home it was revealed after he was let go from Fox News. He seems to be enjoying his new free time with his wife. He told the Daily Mail he was happy to be able to have dinner with his wife during the week for once.
He released a video on Twitter that has over 75 million impressions on the tweet. The video left many wondering what will be next for Carlson.
“Chief Nerd” shared the contrast of views on Carlson’s tweet and Cable News combined viewership on Wednesday.
“Tucker Carlson Had More Views on His First Twitter Monologue on Wednesday Than All Cable News Shows For the Entire Day COMBINED Tucker on Twitter: 72.7M Cable News Combined: 53.1M”
Elon Musk replied in short, “Wow”
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2023
Time will show us what will come of Carlson, Fox News, and other media conglomerates going forward in this dynamically shifting and unpredictable environment.
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- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024
If FOX is not going to fight every night against the moral bankrupty of the left and go to war to protect free speech then there is no value in wasting your time viewing. They just as well turn the network into a leftwing cartoon affiliate.