Pink Hat Liberals Beg ID GOP Gov Facing Trump Endorsed Primary Opponent to Veto TX Style Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill

As we reported on Wednesday, a Texas-style pro-life heartbeat bill was passed in the Idaho legislature and headed to Gov. Brad Little’s desk.

Whether Little signs the bill or not is still up in the air, but yesterday, a group of pink hat liberals protested on the steps of the Idaho State Capitol.

The rally was organized by the abortion rights coalition Freeing Idaho to encourage attendees to make phone calls, write letters and send texts to Little demanding he vetoes the bill.

Protester Colleen Fletcher said she attended with her friends because “We’re in a masters social work program.”

“One of our students has been really active on the House floor, keeping us updated. That’s kind of how we heard about this,” Fletcher explained.

State Sen Melissa Wintrow was one of the speakers at the rally and told the crowd, “Today, no matter how much we get kicked, no matter how many times we get knocked down — we will persist.”

“We have no other choice than to pick ourselves up. We cannot allow this. We have to find a way to get people the kind of care that pregnant women in Idaho deserve … they deserve to have access to a full range of healthcare,” Wintrow claimed.

Wintrow also declared that “This is one of the most scary times in our history.”

Democrats have reportedly been organizing to support Little in the upcoming primary as he faces a challenge from his Trump-endorsed Lt. Gov., Janice McGeachin.

The Idaho Tribune pointed out how ridiculous it is that Democrats claim to be pro-woman but are now potentially working against electing the state’s first female governor.

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