Rashida Tlaib on Steps of the Supreme Court: “Maybe You Shouldn’t Even Want to Have Sex With Me”, at Abortion Rally

At the same pro-choice rally where Chuck Schumer verbally attacked members of the Supreme Court yesterday, Rashida Tlaib had a message that appeared to be directed at men who disagree with her right to choose to have an abortion, “You shouldn’t even want to have sex with me.”

I realized, my, my, my, are they obsessed with our bodies, how we talk, how we look, what we stand for, I mean this type of policing of our bodies is so interconnected to all the social justice movements around the country. I represent the third poorest congressional district in the country. This issue is an economic justice issue. This issue is a racial justice issue. (applause) And let me tell you this obsession with our bodies, you know I in the Michigan legislature for six years, used to say to people yo, yo, you know what? You’re so freakin’ obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me, or with you, or with any women. (applause) The power that we have over our bodies to push back and use that power and say enough is enough, we won’t stand by for you to commercialize, for you to profit, for you to do all the things you do to what? (applause) To make us less than in this country because that is what it does. So I want you to know that there is more of us than them.

During the rant, she claims that they are “obsessed with women’s bodies”, how they talk, look, and what they stand for. She tied in how her congressional district is the third poorest in the country and that she feels a right to abortion provides “economic justice” and “racial justice”.

She finished by claiming that women have “power over” their “bodies to push back” and that she “won’t stand by” for them to “commercialize” or “profit”. In what could also be perceived as a threat, she wants them to know that “there is more of us than them”.

James Woods and Matt Walsh fired back on Twitter with Walsh saying, “I think it should be fairly easy to form a bipartisan consensus on this issue.” Woods re-tweeted and said, “It’s unanimous! #NoThanksIdRather watch Chuck Schumer tan his taint”

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