Senator Kennedy Has Words for Biden’s Document Scandal, ‘The White House Doesn’t have Enough Hazmat Suits for This Mess’

U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) was asked to weigh in on the Joe Biden classified document scandal on Fox News’ America Reports with Sandra Smith and John Roberts.

The colorful Senator took a moment and shared, “I just find all of this surreal, it’s almost like watching a Quentin Tarantino movie. I suppose my first thought is that all of this is yet one more example of why in Washington D.C. if it were not for double standards there would be any standards at all.”

“I’m not surprised, that the attorney general has appointed a special counsel. I’m not sure he had a choice. The White House has tried and the White House doesn’t have enough hazmat suits to clean up this mess.”

“Aside from the obvious, the Justice Department is investigating President Trump for something that President Biden himself may have done there are a lot of other intriguing questions for the inspector general. Number one was there a cover-up? the powers that be have known about all this since November 2nd, it’s now the middle of January. Was there a cover-up, who was involved?”

“Number two, what’s the role of the University of Pennsylvania Biden Center in all of this? The Penn Biden Center is not some normal ivy league think tank. We now know that it’s in Washington D.C. It was a hangout, a clubhouse for President Biden and his people before they were inaugurated, and allegedly is funded with tens of millions of dollars from China. What’s up with that?”

“What’s the role of the National Archives in all of this? The National Archives was scathingly critical of President Trump and his documents. They’ve known about all of this since November second or third. They’ve been missing in action in all of this in respect to President Biden and his documents. You couldn’t have found them with a search party, we still haven’t heard from them. What’s up with that?”

“And I guess my fourth question is, did any member of Congress know about this? I didn’t and if some of my colleagues knew about it I’d like to know why I didn’t.”

John Roberts then directed the conversation to the hypocrisy of Biden’s comments after the raid on Donald Trump’s home involving Classified documents from his presidency. “We also look at the way Joy Biden responded to what happened at Mar-A-Lago in that now infamous interview with 60 minutes,” Roberts started.

They played the clip from Biden’s interview with 60 minutes Biden says, “How that could possibly happen” talking about the documents being at Mar-A-Lago. “How anyone could be that irresponsible,” Biden said.

Roberts called out Biden for his comments and added it reminded him of, “Matthew seven verse three, talks about specks and logs.

Matthew 7:3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye?

Senator Kennedy has some very good questions, that may take time for the special counsel to uncover. Roberts pointed out the hypocrisy glaring in the face of many Americans who are paying attention to what is going on.

Democrats are quick to try to proclaim that the cases are different, but as Biden said and now will have to answer, “How anyone could be that irresponsible”.

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