Trump Appointed Robert Hur has been Selected as Special Counsel to Investigate Joe Biden’s Mishandling of Classified Documents

Attorney General Merrick Garland named special counsel, former President Trump appointed Robert K. Hur will be looking into the classified documents in Joe Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center as well as in his garage at his home in Wilmington, DE.

Hur was appointed as U.S. Attorney for Maryland by former President Donald Trump. He will investigate how classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president ended up at his home and private office.

Hur is authorized to prosecute any crimes that arise during this inquiry or refer them for prosecution by federal attorneys in other jurisdictions according to the order.

The documents in Biden’s personal office were discovered on November 2nd right before the midterm elections however it was kept quiet until the new year. There has been criticism that Garland was seeking to protect Biden who had appointed him.

An investigation into whether or not a special counsel was warranted was performed by U.S. Attorney and Trump appointee John R. Lausch Jr. and had been initiated after the National Archives retrieved the documents found in Biden’s private office.

Biden has only said very little in response to reporters’ questions. White House Press Secretary has directed that questions be sent to the White House legal team.

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