Jim Jordan Asks Is ‘Anyone Surprised’ That ‘Crime Skyrocketed’ After ‘Cities Throughout the Country Defunded Their Police?’

In May, the Wall Street Journal reported that after the movement to “defund” law enforcement began to upend municipal budgets, many cities reversed course and began restoring money to their police departments or proposing to spend more.

It was reported earlier today that data shows crime is up in all four major cities in California, including San Francisco and Oakland.

U.S. House Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked in a tweet earlier today is “anyone surprised” that “crime skyrocketed” after “cities throughout the country defunded their police?”

In July, Jordan tweeted in regards to the decision to bring officers in front of the committee and referenced the Black Lives Matter riots and protests that occurred last summer and undoubtedly caused great trauma to more officers than what happened on Jan. 6.

At the time, Jordan called it “Strange how Democrats didn’t care about violence against police officers last summer and at the same time, defunded their departments.”

“At least Republicans have been consistent in condemning all violence against police,” Jordan added.

Recently, Fox News published an opinion piece from U.S. House Rep Jim Banks (R-IN) where he outlined how Democrats have promoted the lawlessness that we see now in the country.

In 2020, in the wake of widespread rioting, the Democratic Party added a new position to their official platform: “Democrats support eliminating the use of cash bail.”

Since the summer of 2020, mainstream Democrats in Congress have pushed to end cash bail and pretrial detention, Banks explained.

Banks pointed out that the BREATHE Act would provide grants to states that end the bail system, eliminate pre-trial detention entirely for most federal felonies and “provide a roadmap for prison abolition.”

“While Democrats embraced radical, soft-on-crime policies, homicides jumped more in 2020 than they have in a single year in American history and continued to rise in 2021,” Banks declared.

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