Biden Admin Dealt Huge Blow as Trump Appointed Judge Strikes Down Deportation Halt for Minors While Siding with Trump Admin Rule

A federal judge in Texas today ruled that a Biden Administration attempt to exempt unaccompanied minors from deportation will not stand. This is based on a Trump-era order that U.S. Border Patrol agents must deport a large number of illegal immigrants due to the pandemic.

This district court judge named Mark Pittman took this action after requests from Republican officials. Title 42 was cited, which is a section of the U.S. public health code. This ruling is being hailed by left-leaning media as a victory for Republicans in Texas. 1.5 million “expulsions” of illegal immigrants back to their home nation or Mexico have occurred under the Title-41 rule.

Before this latest ruling, Biden was shielding these unaccompanied minors from being deported, however. They were instead being taken care of by HHS until they could find a permanent home within the United States. That has just been flipped upside down today.

It’s hard to say if a higher court will eventually look at this, or if the Biden Administration will try something to push back against this major blow to the Democrat party. Pittman, in his decision, argued that schooling and medical costs were harming the state of Texas by basically allowing an unlimited amount of illegal immigrants as long as they were minors.

It appears the DOJ will be filing an appeal. Although this is a Republican victory, it will be a hot topic because it involves children. It will be surprising to see many public victory laps from elected officials in Texas with elections impending, in our view. There will likely be much outcry, however, from the left.

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