Biden Declares For Those Who Challenge the Results of the 2020 Presidential Election ‘The Big Lie is Just That: A Big Lie!’

President Joe Biden delivered a speech today in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he “stepped up the fight for voting rights” as ABC News put it and dismissed those who would challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Biden called the 2020 election the “most scrutinized election in American history, wasting no time taking a shot at former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

“More than 80 judges, including those appointed by my predecessor heard the arguments. In every case, neither cause nor evidence was found to undermine the national achievement of administering the historic election,” Biden claimed.

Biden declared to applause, “For those who challenge the results and question the integrity of the election, no other election has ever been held under such scrutiny and such high standards. The big lie is just that: a big lie!”

In another part of the speech, Biden appeared to take a shot at those calling for further audits of the election and stated, “In America, if you lose, accept the results. Follow the Constitution. Try again. You don’t call facts fake and try to bring down the American experiment just because you’re unhappy. That’s not statesmanship — that’s selfishness.”

Pennsylvania Republican State Sen Doug Mastriano sent a letter to Biden yesterday asking for a meeting while he was in the state but it is unclear if Biden ever took him up on that offer.

Earlier, we reported:

In a statement, former President Donald Trump called out President Joe Biden’s trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to make a voting speech.

In the statement, Trump alluded to that and suggested that “Joe Biden is going to Pennsylvania today in a rush in order to stop the Forensic Audit that the Pennsylvania Republican Senate is in the process of doing. Philadelphia was a cesspool of corruption, which will soon be revealed by the audit.”

“Why are they so concerned that a President, who never goes anywhere, would hop onto beautiful Air Force One and head to Philadelphia if it were an honest election? Why not let the audit go forward and make everybody, on both sides, happy? The results will be the results,” Trump continued.

Trump then explained, “But they know it was not an honest election, Philadelphia was one of the most corrupt cities in the Country — and so it Detroit, and so is Milwaukee, and so is Atlanta, and Pittsburgh, and Oakland, and Baltimore. Corruption has gone on for years, but in the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, with the mail-in ballots and the use of Covid to cheat, corruption reached new levels.”

In reference to many of the election fraud allegations Americans saw in media reports following the November election, Trump pointed out, “Remember the poll watchers being thrown out, the windows being sealed so nobody could look in, the ballot drops, and all of the other events that took place that changed so rapidly the Big Trump Win on election night.”

“Joe should say go forward with this, with all of these audits. His visit is a joke. He doesn’t need to visit, all he needs to do is let them do an audit and find out what happened. Who knows, maybe they’ll say the election was on the up and up, but many people would be shocked,” Trump stated.

Trump concluded with a taunt as he referenced the Maricopa County audit and told Biden, “Let the audit go forward like it is in Arizona, despite 107 Democrat lawyers trying to stop it and failing.”

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