This morning, presidential candidate Joe Biden went on Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski to “clear the air” over sexual misconduct allegations by former Senate staffer Tara Reade from the 1990s. Without solid evidence, there are many different things that can stem from sexual assault allegations against a high profile (or anyone) individual. It ranges from how the accused responds, what corroborating information the accuser has to prove his or her case, and many other factors.
Joe Biden so far is not doing so great in the response category, despite many prominent Democrat women Like MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin standing up for him, seemingly blindly. Many on both sides of the political aisle aren’t thrilled by the Biden situation here as a whole.
In fact, many weren’t even thrilled with the fact that he is the presumptive nominee to go against President Trump later this year, to begin with before this Tara Reade stuff started “sticking”. Caleb Hull posted a short clip of Biden’s interview this morning to Twitter, where it appears Joe doesn’t even know what standard to go by when it comes to believing women.
One would think he had time to better prepare for this interview, and the hosts at generally left-leaning MSBNC were expected to throw him mostly softballs. Nevertheless, somehow Joe managed to mangle this just like he does. In the clip below Biden says that women have a right to be heard.
This was referring to his statements regarding Christine Blasey Ford when he commented on the Kavanaugh hearings regarding allegations against him when he was being nominated for the Supreme Court. “The fact that she (Ford) came forward, the presumption would be, she’s telling the truth, unless it’s proved that she wasn’t telling the truth – or not proved unless it’s clear for the facts surrounding it’s not the truth. This is a very, I’m sorry, please, no no that’s all.” Watch:
Joe Biden couldn’t be any worse at this.
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 1, 2020
A Twitter user pointed out to Media Right News on Twitter in response to a tweet of one of our earlier articles about this story that Joe Biden called “demeaning words” sexual assault. This is an attempt to point out the alleged hypocrisy of his statements today where he appears to be claiming Reade is providing false information. There was another tweet posted showing unverified images of Biden in compromising positions with other women over the years as can be seen below that.
The words are demeaning. Such behavior is an abuse of power. It’s not lewd. It’s sexual assault. –Joe
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 8, 2016
.@JoeBiden Abuse of power. Sexual assault.
— BarbaraMcMahon((?)) (@southsalem) October 8, 2016#MAGA
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