Candace Owens Debates African American Civil Rights Attorney About Biden ‘Black America’ Voter Plan

Candace Owens appeared last night on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show to debate Civil Rights attorney Leo Terrell regarding Joe Biden’s new “Black America” voter plan. Twitter has suspended her account after a recent tweet where she “instructed Michigan residents to defy the governor’s stay-at-home directive.”

Ingraham asked Owens about the plan, saying that it sounded a lot more like “Bernie Sanders” than “Moderate Joe.” The plan purports to “Lift every voice” and claims that “African Americans can never have a fair shot at the American Dream so long as entrenched disparities are allowed to quietly chip away at opportunity.”

It lists a series of initiatives and says “that race-neutral policies are not a sufficient response to race-based disparities.”

  • Advance the economic mobility of African Americans and close the racial wealth and income gaps.
  • Expand access to high-quality education and tackle racial inequity in our education system.
  • Make far-reaching investments in ending health disparities by race.
  • Strengthen America’s commitment to justice.
  • Make the right to vote and the right to equal protection real for African Americans.
  • Address environmental justice.

About the plan, Owens said, “more free stuff… I think not.” She said that Biden wants to “wipe out American’s memory” regarding his own history and record.

Terrell responded by saying that “the Coronavirus has affected blacks at a disproportional rate, higher than any other group” because they are unable to take off due to “working a minimum wage job.” He said that “the stimulus money” didn’t go to any black businesses.

He believes that “free tuition” is important so that African American “can become a professional.” He blasted President Trump and Owens by saying that they “like” minimum wage jobs for African Americans.

Owens responded that it was a “straw-man argument” and that he has “no empirical data, he’s just making the statement and expecting us to accept it as true.” She said the money “runs out because you can’t just print money.” She then referenced the welfare system and how much money has been put in there, yet no different results.

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