Chuck Schumer Inexplicably Refers to Civilian Casualties in Ukraine as a ‘Holocaust Going On’

It was reported on Sunday that a Russian military strike hit an evacuation crossing point in a Kiev, Ukraine suburb, killing a family with two children and two other civilians trying to flee the Russian invasion.

Additionally, however, a video from the incident shows a soldier near where the blast hit, so it is conceivable that the Russians were targeting military personnel in the area.

With CNN playing up the situation in a clip broadcast on their network, House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) chose to compare it to the Holocaust.

Whoopi Goldberg recently was suspended for two weeks from “The View” over comments downplaying the Holocaust.

While the deaths of those civilians are extremely tragic, it would be hard to see how that compares to the Holocaust.

Schumer declared in a clip, “There’s a Holocaust going on.”

“When you see that people are lined up on buses to leave a conflict zone and Putin’s artillery shells those buses, that’s just below humanity, below dignity,” Schumer insisted.

That statement segued into Schumer then advocating for the sending of artillery to Ukraine in order for them to better defend against “brutal Russian aggression.”

Respondents to the clip believe that Schumer took things a bit too far as one Twitter user said, “…I don’t think there’s a holocaust going on in Ukraine lmao.”

Another asked, “Why are they always so quick to compare to world war 2?”

It seems clear that Democrats believe they can use such language because it triggers emotions in people and thus far, they’ve been able to get away with it.

Time will tell if the United States increases its involvement in the conflict.

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