CNN in Panic Mode After Trump-Biden Debate, Dana Bash Calls it a ‘Sh*% Show’

Tonight was the first presidential debate of the 2020 presidential election and President Trump dominated the stage despite what many saw as Chris Wallace and Joe Biden ‘ganging up’ on him during some parts of the long highly anticipated debate.

CNN is not sure how to react. Jake Tapper claims the United States lost and Dana Bash called it a shit show on live TV. Watch:

Clearly the news will be as dominated by debate coverage tomorrow as the stage was dominated by President Trump tonight in our view. We have included the debate video below for those who were not able to see it yet. Joe Biden at one point told President Trump to shut up, and at another point told him he was the worst president ever basically, showing the President Trump was really getting to him with his attacks on Hunter Biden.

Chris Wallace of Fox News was his classic self and although he did grill Joe Biden on a few points, many Trump supporters also feel like he helped keep Donald Trump from totally annihilating Biden. You be the judge.

Ian MacDonald

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