U.S. House Representative (R-LA) Mike Johnson and 125 Other Members have filed their amicus brief in support of Texas and a fair election. U.S. Representative Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) proudly tweeted out about the brief she had signed on to. “I am proud to join over 100 colleagues on an amicus brief asking #SCOTUS to consider the suit from Texas and expressing our concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election. The American people deserve to have confidence in our election process.”
I am proud to join over 100 colleagues on an amicus brief asking #SCOTUS to consider the suit from Texas and expressing our concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election.
— Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (@RepDLesko) December 11, 2020
The American people deserve to have confidence in our election process. https://t.co/YbD7BRPqb0
Mike Johnson’s tweet included in Lesko’s urges the US Supreme Court to carefully consider the suit filed by Texas. “Proud to lead over 100 of my colleagues in filing an amicus brief to express our concern with the integrity of the 2020 election–& our election system in the future. We believe this suit filed by Texas, supported by 17 other states, merits full & careful consideration by SCOTUS.”
Johnson and Lesko were both ‘rockstars’ of the Trump impeachment defense team. They argued a very good defense for Trump. When the Senate voted the president was not removed from office attesting to the ‘sham’ of a mainly partisan impeachment.
State Senator-Elect from AZ Wendy Rogers issued her support for Lesko’s effort in Standing with President Trump. “So glad our #AZ congressmen and women are standing with @realDonaldTrump!”
So glad our #AZ congressmen and women are standing with @realDonaldTrump! https://t.co/nnbq8qgSv6
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) December 11, 2020
Texas has filed two briefs today replying to the defendant States over the suit. The introduction of one of the briefs states:
“Defendant States do not seriously address grave issues that Texas raises, choosing to hide behind other court venues and decisions in which Texas could not participate and to mischaracterize both the relief that Texas seeks and the justification for that relief. An injunction should issue because Defendant States have not—and cannot—defend their actions.”
My office filed additional briefing in support of Texas’s lawsuit to protect the integrity of our elections
— Texas Attorney General (@TXAG) December 11, 2020
1) https://t.co/3gqRg6358e
2) https://t.co/dskf50Hfmw pic.twitter.com/kNZpYYbaIQ
The full briefs are in the above tweet from the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton.
The Attorney General of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro has taken to Twitter as well as mainstream media to plead Pennsylvania’s case. On CNN Shapiro claimed, “this suit that was filed by my colleague from Texas is uniquely unserious. It is based on bizarro conspiracy theories. It is based on issues that have been litigated and dismissed.”
On Twitter, he declared that the Texas lawsuit is not about a fair election in his view, but only about Texas getting the results it wants: “Texas seeks to invalidate elections in four states for yielding results with which it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred candidate for President is an affront to principles of constitutional democracy. Texas obviously lacks standing to bring such claims, which, in any event, are barred by laches, moot, meritless, and dangerous. Texas has not suffered harm simply because it dislikes the result of the election[.] ” He went on to call the lawsuit a “seditious misuse of the judicial process.”
Texas obviously lacks standing to bring such claims, which, in any event, are barred by laches, moot, meritless, and dangerous.
— AG Josh Shapiro (@PAAttorneyGen) December 10, 2020
Texas has not suffered harm simply because it dislikes the result of the election[.]
That alternate reality includes an absurd statistical analysis positing that the probability of President-Elect Biden winning the election was “one in a quadrillion.”
— AG Josh Shapiro (@PAAttorneyGen) December 10, 2020
Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious misuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated. pic.twitter.com/4gQmojQ98R
— AG Josh Shapiro (@PAAttorneyGen) December 10, 2020
With many briefs filed, we now wait on the SCOTUS for what comes next.
- Sources: Tim Pool Sold Operation to The Daily Wire - December 17, 2024
- Jack Smith BTFO After Judge Cannon Denies Gag Order Request on Donald Trump - May 28, 2024
- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024