Donald Trump Gives Closing Speech at Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway’s Celebration of Life, Partially Credits His 2016 Victory to Duo

Former President and 2024 GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump took time yesterday to attend Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway’s celebration of life.

After Rochelle “Silk” Richardson spoke, Trump gave the final speech at the event and he partially credited his 2016 victory to the duo.

Trump noted the “incredible speeches” that were given by others at the event and said that he would use some of the words that others used.

Referencing his wife Melania, Trump said, “The first time I heard about Diamond and Silk was from our great first lady.”

“She said there are these two wonderful women on the internet… would you watch this please?” Trump recalled.

Trump then said that he believed Diamond and Silk hadn’t changed through the years despite the fame that they had acquired.

As the Fayetteville Observer noted, Trump attributed his success in 2016 to Diamond and Silk and said Hardaway was devoted to her country and reshaping it in what she believed was its decline.

Trump called Diamond “uncensored, unfiltered, and unafraid” in the way that she expressed her “common sense” opinions.

“Through the tears and the grief, let us celebrate this life because we know Diamond lived life like God intended. Silk, we love you… Diamond, I love you,” Trump emphasized.

At times, Trump also spoke as if he were speaking at a rally and he concluded by insisting that there was nobody more devoted to making America great again.

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