‘Epic Night’: Dave Chappelle Opens for Chris Rock and Kevin Hart at MSG after Canceled Gig in MN, ‘Had to Sneak in’

Dave Chappelle opened for Chris Rock and Kevin Hart with a surprise cameo in New York City. This was shortly after a Minnesota venue canceled him. Chappelle pointed out that a small angry group got them to cancel him even though he sold plenty of tickets.

Chappelle isn’t your traditional conservative, or even a conservative at all really. However, he broke the liberal rule and had a different opinion than others on transgenders. You are not allowed to be a liberal if you do not have the acceptable opinions as they do on anything LGBTQ+. So Chappelle finds himself potentially politically homeless, but Hart and Rock are letting him sleep on their proverbial couch.

“Last night was by far the best moment of my career…I can’t even explain it…I can’t find the words…Just know that last night was the true definition of a “EPIC NIGHT”…I love my brothers more than words can explain. We made history last night!!!”

Fox News and TMZ reported that Dave had to “sneak in”.

“Had to sneak my way in here,” Chappelle told the audience, via TMZ, adding, “despite what you may have read about in the news, I’m OK, and I appreciate the support.”

One fan called the show “nothing short of legendary”:

Jennifer King:

“I just witnessed comedic history at @TheGarden @KevinHart4real @chrisrock and @DaveChappelle on 1 stage! It was like seeing Kobe drop 80 in there! Wow!”

“Anyone who saw Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, and Kevin Hart last night at MSG is so wildly lucky that it’s kind of hard to fathom. That’s like going to see a Kendrick and J. Cole show and the surprise opener is Drake.”

Some have compared radical Democrat protesters who get shows like Dave Chappelle’s in MN canceled to “domestic terrorists”. We doubt there will be any action under a Biden presidency into looking into this, even though he claims to care about Black people, we assume he means only the Democrat ones.

It looks like the show was a success. We’re sure there were many Democrat voters in the audience who stayed. So perhaps they should stop letting the radicals dictate the social and cultural rules and let people, including comedians, have their controversial opinions, whether they are nice or not, whether they agree with them or not because in the United States we are supposed to be able to have free speech and not “cancel” anyone we disagree with.

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