Democrat Georgia Senate Candidate Exploits Virus, ‘We Need Leaders Who Actually Believe in Science and Facts’

Earlier this morning, left-wing publication The Atlantic, published a piece titled, ‘The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South’. Democrat candidate for Congress, Sarah Riggs Amico, challenging Sen David Purdue, shared it to her Twitter account saying that, “The South needs: Access to quality health care & doctors, Expansion of Medicaid, Leaders who actually believe in science and facts.”

Staggering: ~1 in 10 deaths from #COVID19 in the US have occurred in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia The South needs: – Access to quality health care & doctors – Expansion of Medicaid – Leaders who actually believe in science and facts

While Louisiana does have the 5th most cases in the country, one-third of them are in New Orleans, a city that went over 80% for Hillary Clinton in 2016. They also have a Democrat Governor, John Bel Edwards. He was conveniently left off this list by Politico of Coronavirus “Governor busts“, while the Governors of Mississippi and Alabama, who have fewer cases combined than New Orleans, were on it. In fact, 7 of the 10 states with the most cases have Democrat Governors.

Riggs also exploited the Unite the Right tragedy in her campaign announcement video, taking cues from Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Too many Washington politicians aren’t worthy of the faith we’ve placed in them. They claim to share our values, but their actions betray us. I’m running for U.S. Senate in Georgia because we deserve leaders who will renew our faith in America. Join me at .

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