GOP Rep Accuses Biden Admin of Wanting to ‘Change the News’ with Trump Document Security Threat Briefing

As the nation grapples with the China spy balloon being shot down over the Atlantic Ocean after it traversed the United States, U.S. House Rep Mike Turner (R-OH) today accused the Biden Administration of wanting to “change the news” with a Trump document security threat briefing.

Turner appeared today on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and was asked by host Chuck Todd what was going on with the classified documents involving Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence.

“What’s striking about this is that the Biden Administration told the American public that they raided Donald Trump’s home because it was a national security risk, but what we found in the intelligence community and the Intelligence Committee is that the Biden Administration had not engaged at all anyone who is in national security on the issue of threats from these documents,” Turner began.

Turner continued, “It took Congress to step in and say, ‘We want a security threat’ and then they tried to deny giving the briefing to us from that threat.”

“What’s interesting is that the moment this balloon became public, I got a notice, not from the administration that I’m going to get a briefing on this balloon, but they have to rush to Congress now to talk to us about Donald Trump’s documents,” Turner explained.

Todd then clarified, “So you are going to get a briefing on Trump’s documents but…” as Turner cut him off, “There is nothing scheduled on the balloon, but they are scheduling Donald Trump.”

“Anything on Biden or Pence?” Todd finished as Turner admitted, “It’s included, yes.” Todd then asked, “This week?”

Turner concluded, “It’s supposed to be this week, we’ll see whether or not the balloon happens first, again, urgency, this administration needs to understand we do have national security, urgent matters.”

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